Career Discovery
Skills & Training
June 19, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Earn and Learn Programs & Jobs

Earn and Learn programs allow people to kickstart a new career while getting paid and learning valuable skills. Explore an introduction to these programs.

Earn and Learn programs are a fantastic way to continue earning a living while developing the skills you need to pursue your dream job. SkillUp works with employers nationwide to provide in-demand jobs to people who are eager to learn while they work.

Introduction to Earn and Learn Programs

Earn and Learn programs are a type of job skill training program that allows you to learn valuable skills for specific jobs and industries while being paid to do so. They’re becoming more and more essential for modern workforce development as people change careers in the middle of their working years.

These programs are in high demand because many adults who are changing careers can’t take time off for college or training—or don’t have the funds to go back to school full-time. They have to continue supporting their families.

More and more companies are offering Earn and Learn programs as a way to complete on-the-job training and earn certifications while they’re training in their new role.

Benefits of Earn and Learn Programs

There are many benefits to using Earn and Learn programs as part of your career path. Here are some of the most common reasons we see people choose these roles.

Financial Stability and Career Growth

Not everyone can afford to quit their job and go back to school for up to four years. These programs allow you to continue your education and maintain financial stability at the same time, all while setting you up for career advancement later on.

Skill Acquisition and Career Mobility

These jobs allow you to learn new skills to help you grow in your career in real time. While some employers won’t offer skill development opportunities on the clock, this benefit of on-the-job training is a standard feature for Earn and Learn jobs.

Classroom settings don’t always give you the real-time experience you need to learn the ropes of what you’ll do in your career, and traditional workplaces often limit their opportunities to attend conferences or webinars. By contrast, these programs let you get hands-on experience while you work.

Comprehensive Benefits Package

Like other types of full-time jobs, these programs come with opportunities to enjoy benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, and paid time off. Unlike some programs like internships or certain apprenticeships, you can continue getting the benefits you and your family need while you train for a new career.

Types of Earn and Learn Programs

There are four primary types of Earn and Learn programs that accept applicants at virtually any point in their career:

  • Continued education programs: Many of the top organizations in America offer continued education as an incentive for their employees to continue strengthening their skills. With continued education, your employer pays for you to take additional courses that strengthen your qualifications.
  • Professional development certifications: Some employers offer their personnel the chance to take offsite courses to do their jobs more effectively and pay for them to take that time. Some employers reimburse this with one-time pay, while others incentivize employees to take these courses with pay raises.
  • Tuition reimbursement initiatives: College tuition is expensive, and companies know that. However, some employers offer tuition waivers or reimbursements to employees so they can achieve the qualifications and certifications the company needs.
  • Mentorship programs: Mentorship programs allow new or learning employees to train under someone who is already in the role they will eventually fill on company time. This allows them to learn the ropes of the role in real time while still keeping both employees productive.

How to Find and Apply for Earn and Learn Programs

If you’re on the hunt for a job that allows you to learn and get paid, we recommend researching the programs that are best for you and your needs. After all, not all programs are exactly alike, and some may have different sets of requirements. You can filter on your favorite job board to find the programs for the best careers for you, as well as salary ranges, locations, and more.

Not sure how to begin the process? Here are some additional tips that may help you stand out and get the Earn and Learn position you’ve been dreaming about:

  • Update your resume: This will help your employer learn more about your work experience if the job requires it.
  • Add a cover letter: A good cover letter can provide context into why you’re switching careers and give your potential employer some insight into what makes you a good investment.
  • Ask about the job: Do this both before and during the interview process. Having questions about the job shows curiosity and will help you gain more insight into what the Earn and Learn program will look like once you’re hired.
SkillUp Coalition Job Board for Earn and Learn Jobs
SkillUp works to connect employees with companies that are offering Earn and Learn programs. Whether you’re seeking a new career as a pharmacy technician or learning more about insurance, we can help you pave the way. Learn more about our Earn and Learn program or start looking for jobs today!
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