Our Coalition's Impact

Explore how the work we do drives impact and outcomes to workers across the country. Our metrics highlight the work we do to support job seekers on their path to high-opportunity employment.

Our Impact

Our Coalition is Changing the Narrative About What Work Means

Our goal is to empower workers seeking better jobs and economic mobility by providing the tools and support to help them change their lives. We intend to help 100,000 individuals secure high-opportunity employment by the end of 2025.

To do so, we've built a worker-first learning agenda and product experience that meets the needs of the millions of individuals without a college degree who are skilled through alternative routes (STARs).

What we've accomplished thus far is in great thanks to:

The 150+ coalition partners who have joined us in our mission

Expanding to 30+ regions and remote offerings

Dedicated staff qualifying career paths and training programs

Platform features measuring training and job referrals, job placements, wage increases, and more

July 2020 - December 2024

Our Impact in Action


SkillUp workers supported


SkillUp profile creators


SkillUp users referred to training providers


SkillUp users who attained jobs


Additional wages to SkillUp job attainers


SkillUp career coaching participants


Return on Investment (ROI)

A message from CEO, Steve Lee

Helping 100k Individuals Secure High-Opportunity Employment

"The SkillUp Coalition, launched in 2020, is meant to help workers leverage their talents and strengths and define their futures through proactive outreach, personalized career exploration, and training and employer connections. Every person has unique gifts and deserves the chance to express them, but the college-for-all mentality has made some believe they can't. Our aim is to break barriers standing in their way and help 100,000 individuals secure high-opportunity employment by the end of 2025."

Want to join us in this mission? Partner with us!

SkillUp Together Stipend Fund

Do Stipends Improve Completion Rates and Retention?

The SkillUp Together Fund sought to provide grant funding to help lower the barriers to enrollment in high-quality career pathway programs. The results? Stipends of $1,000 led to six-month retention rates nearly twice that of participants who didn't receive the stipend.

Learn more in our reports or use the interactive dashboard for data visualization.

Past Impact Reports

SkillUp first conducted its first Impact Report at the organization's 2nd anniversary and expects to continue on an annual basis.