No Degree? No Problem!

Your Career Journey Starts Here

Our nonprofit reviews careers, training, and jobs so you don't have to. We help you find the best jobs that don't require a degree and guide you from start to finish!

From Behavioral Health to IT
Trained for Online Support
Balanced Home Life with Remote Options
Mother of Twins and Medical Coder
Trained Online in Medical Records
Prepared for a Remote, Healthcare Job
Custodian to IT Support Specialist
4 month IT Specialist Program
$1,000 SkillUp Together Fund Grant
From Vet Technician to IT
Gained Skills in Computer Science
Built Social Capital & Connections
Who is SkillUp Coalition?

SkillUp Helps You Transition to a Better Career

Is SkillUp a nonprofit?

SkillUp Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We provide career resources with the support of our coalition partners.

Is SkillUp free to use?

Yes! SkillUp's platform is free to browse hundreds of training programs and career tools. Create a profile to apply to jobs and training programs.

What makes SkillUp different?

We review and only show career paths that don't require degrees and that can be trained for in less than 12 months for free or at an affordable cost.

Is there a SkillUp near me?

SkillUp is a nation-wide organization. We don't have physical offices, but we have 30+ location-specific sites, as well as fully-remote jobs and training programs.

Career Tips to Get You Started

Who We Are

A Comprehensive Career Platform Built for Job Seekers

SkillUp is a nonprofit that enables job seekers to break into new careers regardless of their degree-holding status. We focus on careers that pay a living wage, feature high-quality trainings with low risk and high returns, and are dedicated to educating how to achieve promising career paths.

Our 150+ coalition partners are contributing time, energy, and resources to provide the best upskilling and career resources to workers across the county.

Interested in Becoming a SkillUp Partner?