Learning & Impact

Stipends & Skills Training: A Winning Combination

For millions of Americans who struggle in low-wage jobs, sector-specific accelerated skills training is a proven economic mobility solution. However, a financial barrier to participate in training exists for many potential participants. In 2021, Per Scholas partnered with the SkillUp Coalition to test the impact of providing one-time $1,000 stipends for learners across the United States.

A year later, the results are clear: stipends work and make a transformational difference in the lives of those enrolled in a proven training program. In every category evaluated, Per Scholas learners who received a stipend out-performed those who didn’t. After controlling for demographics and educational differences, receiving the $1,000 SkillUp stipend was associated with an 18 percent increase in graduation, 11 percent increase in certification rates, and a 10 percent increase in employment.