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Success Story

How SkillUp Helped Faryal Discover a Remote Career in Healthcare

“You Can Do Anything”

Meet Faryal Sami, a mother of twins who immigrated to the United States with her husband and wanted to find a career she enjoyed. However, she struggled to find opportunities that were relevant to her lifestyle preferences and interests. With SkillUp, Faryal found the support and guidance she needed to determine which career path would be right for her. Once she discovered that a remote job in healthcare was her calling, Faryal was able to find a training program through SkillUp that provided her the ability to enhance her skills and explore new possibilities.

I have been able to do my studies, work remotely, do my freelancing jobs remotely, so that’s the confidence I have right now.
Hi, my name is Faryal Sami. I’m doing the medical coding and billing certification with SkillUp. I’m almost at the end of it, and I’m going to start my externship, which I’m very grateful for.
One day, SkillUp popped up on my Instagram. I opened it, and there it was showing, “If you want to know about yourself and what career is good for you, go to this survey,” so I did that survey, and from there, it showed me that there was a healthcare/medical coding and billing field, which is remote work. SkillUp messaged me, they emailed me that there is a program where you can connect socially with people. They have every kind of program in every field, so it’s good for all kinds of fields.
I am an immigrant here, and once a year, I go back to my country to spend time with my family, so they allow you to study from there, too. They send all kinds of books you need in that field to your home and everything, so that’s very good for me.
I’m feeling so relaxed, like not in the stress all the time of, “Oh, I’m not doing anything in my life.” That was all the time, guilt inside of myself, which is not there anymore. I can do it with the kids, with the home, with everything, so that’s the thing that I’m really confident about.
I would recommend SkillUp to people who want a remote job. It’s very reasonable, and most of the programs are free. Don’t break your confidence, don’t lose your hope, and go for it. If you are confident in yourself, and you know you can do it, you can do anything.

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