No degree? No problem.

Your Next Career is Looking for You

Our nonprofit reviews careers, training, and jobs so you don't have to. We help you find the best jobs that don't require a degree and guide you from start to finish!

A Career Counselor by your side

Ways SkillUp Supports You

Our non-profit is committed to finding you quality jobs, training, and career navigation

Our platform offers step-by-step career guidance with SkillUp AI

We help you understand the skills and training needed for in-demand careers

Our team hand-picks the best free and low-cost training programs

We connect you to open jobs, no degree required

SkillUp AI helps find careers, training, and jobs!

Personalized Career Navigation

SkillUp AI provides personalized career support and recommendations based on YOUR specific needs. Ask anything or follow our easy-to-use suggestions to begin your career journey. 

Build a quick profile to get started today!

Trusted AI Built by Career Experts

About SkillUp AI

We are committed to fostering an inclusive, fair, and transparent AI experience. 

All career, training, and job materials sourced with SkillUp quality standards

Follows strict data and privacy guidelines

Developed in collaboration with diverse stakeholders for relevancy and fairness

Ethical principles inspired in partnership with EDSafe AI Alliance

We think everyone deserves a career that works for them.